22) Environmental judicial reform and corporate investment behavior — Based on a quasi-natural experiment of environmental courts.Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 365, 121640. (ABS-3 , SSCI)
21) Punishment or Deterrence? Environmental justice construction and corporate equity financing——Evidence from environmental courts.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2024, 86, 102583. (ABS-4 , SSCI)
20) Are optimistic CEOs and pessimistic CFOs the best partners? Evidence from corporate cash holdings.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023, 10(1), DOI: 10.1057/s41599-023-02469-1. (Nature子刊, SSCI, JCR一区)
19) Can environmental tax reform curb corporate environmental violations? A quasi-natural experiment based on China's "environmental fees to taxes". Journal of Business Research, 2024, 171, 114388. (ABS-3 , SSCI)
18)Does digital government transformation inhibit corporate environmental violations? Evidence from the big data bureau in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2023, online. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3307599 (ABS-3 , SSCI)
17)Corporate environmental governance strategies under the dual supervision of the government and the public. Business & Society, 2023, 62(4), 860-907. (ABS-3 , SSCI)
16)Does vertical supervision promote regional green transformation? Evidence from Central Environmental Protection Inspection. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,326,116681. (ABS-3, SSCI; 高被引ESI 前1%)
15) Does central environmental protection inspection improve corporate ESG performance? Evidence from China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022. online, DOI:
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14)The financial effect of firm digitalization: Evidence from China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2022, 183,121951. (ABS-3 , SSCI; 高被引ESI 前1%, 热点论文)
13) Does the effect of the annual year taboo exist? Empirical evidence from senior managers’zodiac year and corporate inefficient investment.British Accounting Review, 2022, 54(6), 101114. (ABS-3, SSCI)
12) Local government environmental regulatory pressures and corporateenvironmental strategies: Evidence from natural resource accountability audits in China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022, 31(7), 3060-3082.(ABS-3, SSCI)
11) Environmental labeling certification and corporate environmental innovation: The moderating roles of corporate ownership and local government intervention.Journal of Business Research, 2022. 140, 556-571. (ABS-3, SSCI)
10) Environmental labelling certification and firm environmental and financial performance: A resource management perspective.Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022. 31(3), 751-767. (ABS-3, SSCI)
9)Does the "10-Point Water Plan" reduce the intensity of industrial water pollution? Quasi-experimental evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113048. (ABS-3, SSCI)
8) Is corporate environmental responsibility synergistic with governmental environmental responsibility? Evidence from China.Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020, 29(8), 3669-3686. (ABS-3, SSCI)
7) How soil pollution risk perception affects farmers' pro-environmental behavior: the role of income level. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 270, 110806. (ABS-3, SSCI)
6) Carbon risk management and corporate competitive advantages: “differential promotion” or “cost hindrance”? Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020,29(4), 1764-1784. (ABS-3, SSCI)
5)Is evil rewarded with evil? Market penalty effect of corporate environmentally irresponsible events.Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020, 29(3), 846-871. (ABS-3, SSCI)
4)Water disclosure and firm risk: Empirical evidence from water sensitive industries in China.Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020, 29(1) ,17-38. (ABS-3, SSCI)
3)Help or Resistance? Product market competition and water information disclosure: evidence from China.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2020, 11(5), 933-962. (ABS-2, SSCI)
2)Carbon risk, cost of debt financing and the moderation effect of media attention: Evidence from Chinese companies operating in high-carbon industries.Business Strategy and The Environment,2018, 27(8), 1131-1144. (ABS-3,SSCI)
1)Institutional pressures, sustainable supply chain management, and circular economy capability: Empirical evidence from Chinese eco-industrial park firms.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017,155, 54-65.(ABS-2, SCI/SSCI;高被引ESI 前1%)
7)新材料产业公共服务平台政策对企业“卡脖子”技术创新的影响.资源科学,2023,45(4), 694-705. (CSSCI)
6)“环保费改税”会影响企业绩效吗?.会计研究, 2020(5), 117-133. (CSSCI)
5)创新能力与企业社会责任的交互跨期影响:非正式制度调节效应视角.研究与发展管理,2020(5),111-125. (CSSCI)
4)内部审计经理监察能力与企业违规——来自我国中小板上市企业的经验证据.会计研究,2019(8), 79-87.(CSSCI)
3)碳风险意识、低碳创新与碳绩效.研究与发展管理, 2019, 31(3),72-83.(CSSCI)
2)水资源信息披露、媒体报道与企业风险.会计研究, 2018(4), 89-96. (CSSCI)
1)环境管理会计“物质流-价值流-组织”三维模型研究.会计研究, 2017(1), 15-22.(CSSCI)