Zian Fang;Yongmei Liu*; Fei Jiang; Wei Dong ; How does family support influence digitalimmigrants' extended use of smartphones? An empirical study based on IT identity theory, Journalof the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023(SSCI&SCI)
Ying Liu; Yongmei Liu*; Bo Sophia Xiao ; Effect of crowdsourcing work characteristics on perceived work effort in competitive crowdsourcing markets, Internet Research, 2023,33(2):696-719
Jiang, Fei;Liu, Yongmei*; Hu, Junhua; Chen, Xiaohong; Understanding Health Empowerment From the Perspective of Information Processing: Questionnaire Study., Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2022, 24(1): e27178.
Dong W, Lei X,Liu Y. The Mediating Role of Patients’ Trust Between Web-Based Health Information Seeking and Patients’ Uncertainty in China: Cross-sectional WebBased Survey[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2022, 24(3): e25275.
Liu, Yongmei;Jiang, Fei; Lin, Peiyang; Influence Mechanism of the Affordances of Chronic Disease Management Apps on Continuance Intention: Questionnaire Study., JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2021, 9(5):e21831.
Liu yongmei,Sixuan Chen,Chris Bell,Justin Tan.How Do Power and Status Differ in Predicting Unethical Decisions?A Cross-national Comparison of China and Canada, Journal of Business Ethics, 2020, 167(4): 745-760 (FT50,SSCI&SCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04150-7
Ying Liu,Yongmei Liu*, The Effect of Workers’ Justice Perception on Continuance Participantion Intention in the Crowdsourcing Market. Internet Research,(SCI&SSCI,IF 3.838),2019,29(6): 1485-1508 https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-02-2018-0060
Yan Yang, Junhua Hu*, Yongmei Liu, XiaohongChen. A multi-period hybrid decision support model for medical diagnosis andtreatment based on similarities and three-way decision theory. Expert Systems,2019; 36: e12377(SCI)
Junhua Hu, Panpan Chen, Yan Yang, YongmeiLiu, Xiaohong Chen. The Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithms for Patient-centeredCare Based on Interval Trapezoidal Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers. International Journalof Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 21(4): 1270-1284(SCI)
Junhua Hu, Panpan Chen, Yan Yang, YongmeiLiu, Xiaohong Chen. The Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithms for Patient-centeredCare Based on Interval Trapezoidal Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers. International Journalof Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 21(4): 1270-1284(SCI)
Yan Yang, Junhua Hu*, Yongmei Liu, XiaohongChen. Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Preference Relations and Their Applications in Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making,2019,33(3):917-930 (SCI)
Yan Yang, Junhua Hu*, Yongmei Liu, XiaohongChen. Doctor recommendation based on an intuitionistic normal cloud modelconsidering patient preferences. Cognitive Computation, DOI:10.1007/s12559-018-9616-3, 2018(SCI)
Pei Liang, Junhua Hu*, Yongmei Liu,Xiaohong Chen. Public resources allocation using an uncertain cooperative game among vulnerable groups. Kybernetes, DOI: 10.1108/K-03-2018-0146,201,48(8):1606-1625(SCI)
Junhua Hu, Xiaohong Zhang, Yan Yang,Yongmei Liu and Xiaohong Chen. New doctors ranking system based on VIKOR method. International Transactions in Operational Research,DOI:10.1111/itor.12569, 2018(SCI/SSCI)
Yan Yang, Junhua Hu*, Yongmei Liu, XiaohongChen. Alternative selection of end-of-life vehicle management in China: A group decision-making approach based on picture hesitant fuzzy measurements. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206: 631-645, 2019(SCI)
Junhua Hu*, Xiaolong Zhang, Xiaohong Chen, Yongmei Liu. Hesitant Fuzzy Information Measures and Their Applications in Multi-criteria Decision Making. International Journal of Systems Science, 47(1): 62-76, 2016 (SCI)
Fan Chen, Liu Yongmei*, Yang Xuehua, ChenXiaohong, Online and Offline Cooperation Under Buy-online, Pick-up-in-store: Pricingand Inventory Decisions, Journal of Industrial and ManagementOptimization,2019,15(3):1455-1472 (SCI)
Hao Zhou, Lu Xiao, Yongmei Liu*, Xiaohong Chen. The Effect of Prediscussion Note-taking in Hidden Profile Tasks [J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ABS三星,SSCI,IF=2.322,JCR一区), 69(4):566-577,2018
Liuqing Yue, Yongmei Liu*, Xuhua Wei. Influence of Online Product Presentation on Consumers' Trust in Organic Food [J].British Food Journal (SCI IF=1.206), 2017, 119(12):2724-2739.
Xianye CAO, Yongmei LIU*, Zhangxiang ZHU, Junhua HU, Xiaohong CHEN. Online selection of a physician by patients: Empirical study from elaboration likelihood perspective [J]. Computers in Human Behavior(ABS三星,SSCI IF=3.435,JCR 一区),2017.73:403-412.
Zhangxiang Zhu, *Yongmei Liu, Xiaoling Che, Xiaohong Chen, Moderating Factors Influencing Adoption of a Mobile Chronic Disease Management Systems in China, Informatics for Health and Social Care (SCI IF=1.381 ,JCR 三区), 2017, 73(2017:403-412
Xuhua Wei, Natalie J. Allen, *Yongmei Liu, Disparity in Organizational Research: How Should We Measure It? Behavior Research Methods (SSCI, IF=3.623, JCR一区) 2016, 48(1): 72-90.
Xuhua Wei, *Yongmei Liu, Natalie.J.Allen, Measuring Team Emotional Intelligence: A Multi-Method Comparison, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2016, 20(1): 34-50.(SSCI, IF=1.073, ABS二星期刊)
Zhengjun Zhao, *Yongmei Liu, Kexi Wang, An Analysis of the Rumor Propagation Based on Propagation Force, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2016, 443: 263-271.(SCI,IF=2.243,JCR一区)
*Yongmei Liu, Chunjie Ding, Chen Fan, Xiaohong Chen, Pricing Decision under Dual-Channel Structure considering Fairness and Free-Riding Behavior, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014, Article ID 536576, 10pages.(SCI)
卫旭华,*刘咏梅,车小玲,关系冲突管理:团队效能感和团队情绪智力的调节作用,系统管理学报,2015,2 4(1):138-145+152.
*Yongmei Liu, Yuhua Sun, Junhua Hu, Channel selection in e-commerce age: A strategic analysis of co-op advertising models, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2013, 6(1): 89-103.(EI)
*刘咏梅, 卫旭华, 陈晓红. 群体情绪智力对群决策行为和结果的影响研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2011, 14(10):11-27. (校权威期刊,(CSSCI检索))
*刘咏梅, 卫旭华,陈晓红. 情绪智力、冲突管理风格与感知凝聚力关系的实证研究[J] .科研管理, 2011, 32(2):88-96 (校一级期刊)
*Yongmei Liu, Bo Kuang, An Inventory Decision Model of BOPS Retailing Considering Cross-selling, The 15th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, 2016.06.10-06.12. (最佳论文奖)
*Yongmei Liu, Ruyi Yang, The Choice of Manufacturer’s Online Customization Channel under Different Pricing Models, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Yinchuan, 2016.05.28-05.30.(EI)
Xuhua Wei, *Yongmei Liu, Natalie J. Allen, A Multi-Method Comparison of Three Measures of Team Emotional Intelligence, Proceedings of The Canadian Psychological Association’s 74th Annual Convention, Québec, 2013.06.13-06.15.
曹仙叶, *刘咏梅,张聪,朱张祥. 基于ELM 的在线医疗患者线下转移实证研究.北京,2016.11.18-20(最佳论文奖)
陈思璇,*刘咏梅,一种情境效应下基于显著性理论的多属性效用理论,2013年中国信息经济学会学术年会,广州,2013.11.29-12.1. (最佳论文奖)